Introduction to Authentic Mother’s Day Messages For Friends And Family

 Another Mother’s Day is upon us, and some of you men have not done anything yet. Well, get up and get moving! Seriously the most important woman in your life, and if you are not setting up a whole week’s vacation for her where she will have nothing, and I mean nothing, to do, then you do not understand what being a mom is, guys.

The History of Mother’s Day

 Many Countries have celebrated Mother’s Day for centuries; however, the first time it was observed in the United States was in 1907. Anna Jarvis held the first service of worship in Andrews Methodist Church. 

It was not until 1914 that Woodrow Wilson signed the proclamation designating Mother’s Day be held on the second Sunday in May as a national holiday.

Anna Jarvis did have resentment of the Commercialization of the holiday. By the early 1920s, Hallmark and other card companies were all selling Mother’s Day cards. By 1925 Carnations had become associated with Mother’s Day. Anna Jarvis was now protesting companies’ involvement and boycotting Mother’s Day. 

Jarvis argued that people should appreciate and honor mothers through handwritten letters expressing their love and gratitude, not buying premade cards and gifts. 

Mother’s Day Messages For Friends And Family

Today as we all know, many husbands and children run out and buy premade cards and gifts that are sometimes nice, but are they truly from the heart? And as for the gifts, well they are not always the best, come on admit it, who has gone out and bought a vacuum cleaner, iron, pots or pans, big screen TV, or bowling ball with the understanding that if she does not want to use it, then I’ll use it on bowling night???? REALLY!  

This is the woman you love. Keep in mind that she has one of if not the most demanding jobs, and if you are blessed enough to have had children together, her job just got harder and multiplied by how many children you have. 

So, when picking out something for your Soulmate, remember it needs to be from your heart. It needs to be something, especially for her. The fact that you have an entire year to ask and dig around about what she loves is convenient, and so on Mother’s Day, you should be able to give her just what she wants. 


Fathers, we are the ones that set the tone in our families, yes, together with our wives, but no one else can tell or show your children how much your wife means to you. Show them that you respect and honor your wife, Tell them that you would be lost without her, and show them what love from the heart truly means. 

Why would any true man fear expressing his love for his wife and teaching his children to do the same? Maybe, just maybe, if families started doing things like this again, perhaps we can set up future generations for better things—just a thought.

Happy Mother’s Day to all!

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The post Authentic Mother’s Day Messages For Friends And Family first appeared on Butterflies and Tulips Blog.

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