Tuesday, May 16, 2023
NAMI Wilmington Chapter
Public Board Meeting
Present: Doug Engelman, Chuck Eldridge, Bob Taglin, Virginia Goldrick.
Viia Zoom: Sue Howell, Alabama Stone, Kim Palmer, Ed Palmer, Kay Sargent and Janis
The Board meeting for the NAMI Wilmington Chapter was called to order by Doug
Engelman, President at 7:00 pm. A quorum was established with five board members

Old Business:
A motion was made by Virginia Goldrick and seconded by Bob Taglin to approve the minutes
from the April 18, 2023 NAMI Wilmington Public Board Meeting. This motion was unanimously

New Business:

Walk Update- Janis Eldridge reported that we have continued solicitation of sponsorship for the
Walk. Chuck Eldridge has received sponsor commitments from two new providers, Wilmington
Treatment Center and Evolution Wellness..

Community Inclusion- Sue Howell reported that they have delivered 500 items to approximately
18- 23 clients at Ocean House. Plans are to have a donation collection (Stuff the Bus) at the
upcoming Walk for Awareness on September 30, 2023.

Support Programs Update- Chuck Eldridge reported that Family Support, Family to Family, Peer
Support, Youngish, Senior Talks, Ocean House and Novant Behavioral Center all continue with
normal attendance. Alabama Stone commented that the Youngish Group is in the process of
building their own Facebook page.Chuck also reported that there will be an upcoming Peer
Connections Training Program scheduled for July 22 & 23rd led by Sherly Sparks hosted in
Wilmington, with virtual capability as well.

Provider Expansion- Chuck Eldridge, Kim Palmer and Alabama Stone have committed to the
Provider Expansion training program. We are currently seeking a Provider Awareness

Community Outreach Update- Chuck reported that Domestic Violence has supported three
meetings so far facilitated by Hannah Raftery, Lauren Molter and Leah Liberty (staff member).
Ending the Silence- Under the leadership of Dennis Doll, we have six presenters trained and
already had three successful presentations at UNCW given by Doug Engelman and Gillian
Moore.Through NAMI on Campus, Doug has already recruited at least two more peers for the
presentations next academic year.The team is currently working on action steps to identify who
to contact to do more presentations.

President’s Report- Doug discussed the TCC Group Consulting has been slow in progression
and mentioned that he would follow-up and write to them. Doug reported that Michelle Hettmann
has begun technology progress with our Communications Coordinator, Kay Sargent developing
templates for social media and graphics. Also, with the use of google, individual NAMI emails
will be set up for any board member interested. Chuck Eldridge will be responsible for getting
the names of those interested. As an update regarding the Wilmington Sharks fundraiser, Doug
has two of our providers, Coastal Horizons and Project Transition who will receive 50 donated
tickets to attend the August 4, 2023 game.. NAMI on Campus students have volunteered to be
at the game, helping Gary Morrow sell 50/50 raffle tickets. Doug also mentioned that he has
been appointed as a member of the selection team for NAMI NC Executive Director Search

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.
The next NAMI Wilmington Public Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 15,
2023 at 7:00pm at UNCW Bear Hall Room 101.

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