By Gold

Hello! Good morning. I’m Chimnaza and I am a LEFT-HANDED child.

You’re probably wondering why I’m saying it out loud.

Well, I have this Client with a young boy child who had left-handed tendencies. She found this abominable and something that had to be changed. She succeeded, actually a couple of years before I even met her.


Wanna know how I found out? I chose to teach the child mathematics in my free time and his writing showed me more than could ever be hidden. He had a lot of mirror writing, even with being certain of what he wanted to write and even after being corrected over and over again.

It took me a minute but then it became glaring the moment the thought popped up! A part of me wanted to believe it wasn’t true, but I chose to ask. His mom was completely startled and wondered how I figured it out.

The world is advancing yet people are not dropping some crazy cultural ideologies that just kill a person!
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I hope I was able to hide my fury because the drama going on in my heart at that moment was enough to fry my head. Hearing all the crazy things she had to say about it, I was super speechless!
I just kept looking from child to mother, imagining the struggle that little boy had to go through and is still going through. When she was done with her 100 reasons and more, I took the kid’s book and showed her some things. Thankfully, she’s learned enough.

Turns out she just assumed the child was simply being naughty and careless and too playful. As a result, she had been using a cane and the rest of them to correct the boy!

(Define vexed because that was so me at that moment because… What folly is that?!). And so my super math smart boy had been going through unnecessary torture because he simply is inclined to his left hand..


The world is advancing yet people are not dropping some crazy cultural ideologies that just kill a person! You’re probably wondering if I was able to convince the mom that she had made a mistake… Well if you know me and when I am passionate about a thing, you sure know I did justice to that!

For my little guy, I wonder if it’s too late to fix his problems. Simple things like writing letters and numbers come harder to him, takes a long time to pull it together, I warned his mother( as though I had the authority to) sternly not to ever beat him for his writing because it was her fault!

She had to be gentle and work it out with him. Now for a child who does times tables so awesomely and addition and subtraction so perfectly, I literally have to write letters and make him rewrite them over and over again.. letters and numbers that look alike but face different directions, many times he writes 17 as 71 and ME as EM, mostly with two-lettered words and double digits!


Now let’s get past this one child. I’m positive many others are going through this useless problem because of paranoid people! Let’s not even get into the emotional torture the ones who still chose their leftover cane and yelling went through! …

In the coming days, we’ll do some learning on lefties, and I’ll share them here.

Author Bio

Gold is a budding writer passionate about communication and the dispersal of fear in the learning process

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