Community Inclusion (CI) and Transitions to Community Living (TCL) encourage connection for those struggling to live with mental illness. The goal of these projects is to have people feeling part of their communities. Through local programs and projects designed to welcome all members, CI opens doors, creates opportunities to make new friends and build supportive networks, and allows participants to learn about themselves – what they like, want, and seek for their futures.

Community Inclusion offers a chance to belong, to know that you matter, to be active, and to heal. It is independence, empowerment, and a growing movement for change.

NAMI NC offers CI and TCL training for affiliates and other North Carolina non-profit organizations. After attending this training, participants can then apply for mini-grants to fund CI and TCL programs and projects in their own communities. NAMI NC has successfully funded multiple such projects this year, allowing those with mental illness all over the state to participate in enriching, therapeutic activities that give them a sense of real belonging in their communities.

This year’s successful projects include:

A “Gardening with Ease” project that provided hands-on classes on planting flowers and vegetables. It educated its participants about soil, seeds, care, and growth. The takeaway was that anyone can grow something beautiful. Read more about this project through our latest blog article below.

A “Healing through the Arts” project provided classes such as Yoga, Creative Writing, and a Drum Circle as part of self-expression, movement and connection to oneself and others.

The “Community Care Clinic” was established by creating a large space where a Social Work intern provided counseling to community members, and a variety of teachers taught an array of activities and classes focused on creative pursuits.

The “Tools for Hope” project established a computer library helping community members with job applications, identify community events, help with budgets and calendars to help focus on responsibilities (work, church, other) as well as other life skills.

For more information about our Community Inclusion program, visit our website.

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