Extract from 31-Day DMI Devotional

Someone once said that your life is a product of your thoughts

Another said:

Watch your thoughts, they become your words

Watch your words, they become your actions.

Watch your actions, they become your habits.

Watch your habits, they become your character.

Watch your character, they become your nature. Watch your nature, it becomes your destiny.

Thoughts are satan’s entry point into our lives. Only when we speak does satan know how to further distract us from our purpose in God.

Diet are selective in nature. Being on a thoughts diet means being selective on the thoughts we accept. When we are on a strict diet, the purpose is to achieve weight loss. This is the same when we are on a thoughts diet.

The condition of our spirit determines the quality of life we lead. The thoughts you accept affect the quality of your spirit.
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The condition of our spirit determines the quality of life we lead. The thoughts you accept affect the quality of your spirit. That is why the Bible tells us to guard our hearts (spirit) with all diligence as out of it flows the issues of life. If you meditate on anything long enough it will take root in your spirit.

What we say always comes from what’s in our spirit. It is difficult to speak that which you are yet to accept in your spirit. This is particularly true when we are surprised or frustrated.

[ Tweet “My attitude determines my response to events, and thus my thoughts about them.”]

Think right!

My thoughts determine whether I am happy or sad.

My attitude determines my response to events, and thus my thoughts about them.

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