On Monday, November 27, NAMI North Carolina Executive Director Holly Doggett joined the Ladies of NAMI Radio Show on WIDU in Fayetteville. The hour-long program focused on the impact of bullying, especially in schools.
During the program, Holly shared her personal story of being both a peer and a family member. The panel discussed hope, recovery, and how sharing our stories helps combat stigma and encourage others to reach out and connect. Holly was joined by Glenn Sutton (far right), who provided tips and resources for parents to help combat bullying, and spoke of his own experiences with bullying in middle school.
The Ladies of NAMI radio show is hosted by NAMI Cumberland, Harnett, and Lee leaders Felishia McPherson and Virginia Hill. Every month, they cover mental health topics, NAMI programming, and community concerns. The radio show is produced by WIDU, a gospel station in Cumberland County that is owned by Wes and Sandy Cookman, who freely donate the airtime for the show every month. At the 2023 Annual Conference, NAMI NC awarded the Cookmans the Media Award for their dedication in supporting the work of NAMI CHL.
Mr. Sutton is the producer and star of a play called “Lost Dreams,” which addresses bullying and the bystander effect. The next performance of “Lost Dreams” will be on December 9 at 6pm, at Manna Church in Fayetteville. Attendance is free of charge.
To see yesterday’s Ladies of NAMI episode in full, click here.