To seek out a refund with, you must contact them via email; there is no direct link via the online platform. takes each refund request on a person-to-person basis. Because of this, we can’t promise your request will be accepted, but we have created a solid guide to follow for the best chances of success.
If you are looking to request a refund from, here are some general steps you can follow.
Visit the website and locate their refund policy under terms and conditions (section 6.4). Please read it thoroughly to understand the terms and conditions for obtaining a refund. Look for information regarding eligibility, timeframes, and any specific requirements.
Reach out to’s customer support team. Explain your situation and provide details about why you are requesting a refund. Be polite and clear in your communication. The email for the customer support team is
Keeping a record of your refund request and any communication with is a good idea. Save copies of emails, take screenshots of online chats, or make notes of phone conversations. This documentation can be useful if you encounter any difficulties later on.’s customer support team may provide specific instructions on how to proceed with your refund request. They may require additional information or documentation from you. Cooperate with their requests promptly to ensure a smooth process.
Suppose you cannot resolve the issue with customer support or believe that is not fulfilling its refund obligations as stated in its refund policy. In that case, you can consider escalating the matter. Look for any higher-level contacts within the company, such as a supervisor or manager, and reach out to them. Alternatively, you may need assistance from your bank or credit card company to dispute the charges.
Remember, the specific process and requirements for obtaining a refund from may vary, so it is crucial to refer to their refund policy and follow their instructions.