If you get lucky, I might let you in.

It may take months, or possibly years for me to let someone into my life.

And I am a master sabotager – it’s a skill, one that I embrace because I know people that want to be in my life will eventually be. Through the good and the bad.

I have several close friends, some I see often and some once or twice a year, and I hold them all very close to my heart.

My family is my soul. I would do absolutely anything for them.

My parents are my best friends.

I would do anything for my sisters and their partners.

And last, but most important are my 3 nieces and 2 nephews. All I want is for them to be happy, successful, find meaning and of course be healthy. I am definitely a proud aunt. I tell everyone how amazing they are and how much I love them.

And I can’t forget aunt sharon – who has a very special place in my heart. And is quite possibly the sweetest person I’ve ever known. Have you ever met someone you just want to hug all the time, that’s aunt sharon – so deeply beautiful and amazing.

Our family is modern, yet so absolutely awesome. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Oh, and then there is my extended family. You know who you are, and I have the utmost respect and love for you.

If you are lucky, you might get close enough to me as my family and those close friends.

I only let people in that deserve me, which I think we all should do.

I’ve had people leave and then come back, and us be forever friends. And then, I’ve had some leave and leave for good, which is not a bad thing, it is what it is, and I believe everything happens for a reason.

I also cling to my family and friends and anyone I care about. I am fully and I mean fully aware of this. If I love you, you will know. Through the good and the bad, I’ll be there.

I am tough on people I care about. Mostly because I want them to grow as I have and still do.

I love that I am clingy, it’s the best part about me. I’ll be there with all the good, but I’ll also be right beside you with all the bad, if you are lucky.

If you are in, you get to see me. And so far, I am batting a pretty good rate.

And the people who are in my life, that are really in, are in my life for a reason.  To be honest, they aren’t the lucky ones.

I think they think they are.

But I am the one that knows I am the lucky one.

I get to be a part of their story and that to me is the best part of it all.

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