Who experiences imposter syndrome?
It is a phenomenon or experience that occurs in an individual, not a mental disorder. Impostor phenomenon is not recognised in the DSM or ICD, although both of these classification systems recognise low self-esteem and sense of failure as associated symptoms of depression.
If you are neurodiverse or struggle with inattention, hyperactivity or impulsivity, especially alongside other traumas. Perhaps, you have been described as having imposter syndrome?
For some Imposter syndrome may never leave you. It is completely debilitating, especially alongside other traumas. Regardless, of job or social status you may experience feelings of being an imposter, often high-achieving women trying to balance careers and motherhood will experience this frequently.
What is imposter syndrome?
Impostor syndrome (IS) refers to an internal experience of believing that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be. While this definition is usually narrowly applied to intelligence and achievement, it has links to perfectionism and the social context.
In other words, if deep down you regularly feel like a complete fraud and you think your accomplishments are the result of serendipitous luck. You are not alone……
I have sat in so many rooms, where I have often felt I don’t deserve to be there and it was completely debilitating, especially alongside other traumas.
The thought of possibly being found out that I am a fraud or imposter…silenced my voice and made it feel unsafe to share my thoughts or opinions!
This drove me to become an overachiever, constantly striving for what was often unattainable.
For some it can turn them into micromanagers who struggle to delegate or take any time off due to fear of missing out or things not being completed to their standard.
PERFECTION is overrated!
Most of us experience imposter syndrome at sometime in our careers, especially in new situations.
Sometimes, impostor syndrome isn’t always caused by your own beliefs.
It is forced onto us by the insecure masses or our external worlds that have prescribed a model of what success should look like.
Neither of these situations are productive or healthy, and can seriously sabotage your career.
Mums your kids don’t want a perfect mum, they want a happy mum
So, if you are familiar with the feeling of waiting for those around to “find you out” or, success is rarely satisfying, because you often believe you could’ve done better!
Instead of shrinking back or becoming even more invisible. Start to believe you deserve it!
You will see the pay rise, you do deserve the promotion and you are destined for career success, including healthier & happier relationships in career or business.
3 Ways to overcome imposter syndrome
If your daughters are your daily dose of confidence. We should be modelling that they can overcome feelings of doubt or fear without imposter syndrome derailing them.
British Vogue, editor-in-chief Edward Enninful, recently told the Guardian that the feeling of doubt is part of what motivates him to keep going!
If you are no fan of pretending and neither enjoy looking away! Here are 3 simple things that could really help you to start to overcome feeling like an imposter;
Stop Striving For Perfection: You don’t have to be 100% perfect all the time! This will lead to a constant feeling of overwhelm & eventually burnout. PERFECTION is overrated. Getting stuff done on time always beats perfection! Start to choose where you want to spend your time this week!
Rest is a Superpower: Please take your paid time off and use up your annual leave. Constantly being on the go, or working all the time will not make you more productive in your job. If you want to be more creative & increase your productivity to get more noticed. Then, lean into your daily wellbeing routines. Feels counterintuitive, but leaving early to collect your child from school, going to that gym class or connecting with family, friends & colleagues can be a great way to reset and restore your energy again. You can’t pour from an empty cup.
Become your OWN BIGGEST Cheerleader: Validation is important for all of us to experience a sense of belonging. If you are a work-alcoholic superwoman it is easy to focus on validation from your workplace, especially getting your boss to notice. But, to really feel appreciated or encouraged try to dig abit deeper & find your intrinsic meaning or value in deeper connections. You can learn how to become your own BIGGEST cheerleader. You are more than your work!
If you would like to connect and find a group of like-minded women who will become some of your BIGGEST cheerleaders. Join kinship – a Safespace for diverse women. Register here
The post What is imposter syndrome? appeared first on Benevolent Health.