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About Us

We Provide The Latest Podcast For You

The Mental Podcast Show is the platform where we share our thoughts and experiences about different situations and topics, opening dialogues addressing emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Daily things that affect how we think, feel, act and respond. Also helping to determine the way we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.
It is important to know that YOU are not alone, WE are here for YOU.

Mental health conditions are far more common than we think, mainly because people have been conditioned not to speak about it since it’s considered “weakness”, we’re in the mental podcast show, see opening up and speaking out as a strength.

No Stone left unturned, No Heart untouched and no mind left behind. Everything you do is Mental!

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Meet Our Host


Born in Michigan

Lived Atlanta Ga. Was in music industry and modeling industry for more than over 10 years.

A multi business owner

I strongly support love and Mental Health and always willing to help in anyway that I can.

I am a loveGuru

A life coach

I’m a singer/songwriter 

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16478 Stockholm, Sweden

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+46 70-616 96 96


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