We at the IOCDF know that the holidays can be a difficult time for individuals affected by OCD and related disorders. 

What’s more, the trivialization of OCD can make an already challenging time of year even more difficult for those grappling with mental illness. 

This holiday season, the IOCDF is taking a step to break the stigma associated with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) by addressing the misrepresentation often perpetuated through terms such as “Obsessive Christmas Disorder.”

As always, we’re also committed to supporting our community during the times they need us most. Toward that end, we’ve put together a collection of resources for you and your loved ones to help you through the holiday season. 

Recent search results for “Obsessive Christmas Disorder” on Google.

Read on to learn more about what we have planned for our 2024 Winter Wellness campaign, and how you can participate.

Spreading the word about OCD

Through our Winter Wellness campaign, the IOCDF aims to challenge misinformation surrounding OCD. 

Our IOCDF Advocates kicked things off earlier this month by sending messages to the local and national media in hopes that they will help us raise awareness of the harm that “OCD Christmas Disorder” causes. 

In the meantime, you can help spread the word using your social media accounts. We’ve created this video above to help tell the truth about OCD during the holiday season. Check it out on our social media and share it with your followers, and watch hashtag #OCDwinterwellness for more posts in the future! 

Strengthening our community with winter livestreams

If the holiday season is a difficult time for you, we hope you’ll join us for our winter livestreams. These virtual gatherings help build community and can leave you with helpful information to help you navigate the holidays.

Here is what we have planned; we hope you’ll join us!

Navigating the Holidays with Hope

Thursday, December 14th
7pm ET (4pm PT)
Join on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, or Twitch

The latest edition of our Supporting our Families series, this livestream event will be an interactive discussion dedicated to parents and loved ones of individuals of all ages living with OCD. Join JACK Mental Health Advocacy (MHA) founder, IOCDF Advocate, and mom Kim Vincenty, along with parent and IOCDF Advocate Chris Baier, expert Darlene Davis Goodwine, PhD, and parent advocate Kjersti Helberg as they explore the topic Navigating the Holidays with Hope.

Winter Wellness IG LIVE

Friday, December 15th
12pm ET (9am PT)
Join on Instagram

Host Uma Chatterjee, MS, MHPS, leads this Instagram Live focused on winter wellness and breaking the stigma surrounding OCD. 

Finding Light in the Darkness

Tuesday, December 19th
6pm ET (3pm PT)
Join on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, or Twitch.

Members of our Faith & OCD Task Force come together to shine a light this holiday season with their Finding Light in the Darkness panel, hosted by Cali Werner, LCSW. 

Additional OCD Resources

Town Hall Livestream: Navigating OCD Around the Holidays

Let’s put an end to “Obsessive Christmas Disorder,” Personal Perspective by Tom Smalley, IOCDF Advocate

Real OCD Resource Center

Breaking Down OCD Myths: Dispelling Misconceptions and Stigma

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