Who can donate:
In order to donate blood, you need to be generally fit and well and between the ages of 17 and 65.
You also need to weigh between 50 – 158KG
There are some things that will also be checked prior to donation:
That you have suitable veins for donation
That you meet all donor eligibility requirements
You cannot donate if:
Have had most types of cancer
Have certain heart conditions
Have received blood, platelets, plasma, or any other blood products after January 1980
Have tested positive for HIV
Have had an organ transplant
Are hepatitis B or C carrier
Have injected non-prescribed drugs, including body-building and tanning agents.
There are also some other medical conditions which may stop you from being eligible to donate.
Reasons you may need to wait before being eligible for donation:
If you have had anal sex with a new partner in the last 3 months
If you have had sex with somebody who is HIV Positive, HTLV Positive, Hepatitis B or C carrier, syphilis positive, have received or given money/ drugs for sex or have injected any non-prescribed drugs.
If you have finished taking pre-exposure prophylaxis medication or post-exposure prophylaxis medication in the last 3 months.
If you are pregnant or given birth in the last 6 months.
If you have recently had a tattoo or piercing.
If you have recently travelled to certain countries outside of the UK.
If you are currently under investigation for any form of medical illness.
If you are feeling unwell on the day of donation.
Men can give blood every 12-weeks
Women can give blood every 16-weeks (this is due to men generally having a higher iron level than women)
For each time you give blood, you could save up to three lives.
You can find all that you need to know via the NHS Blood Donor Website here: https://www.blood.co.uk