September 19, 2023

Children’s Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) and our member child and youth mental health centres across the province add our voice to show support for the human rights and well-being of gender diverse, trans, and queer children and youth.

This week, many child and youth mental health centres will be joining Ontarians across the province to stand together in counter protest and loudly and unequivocally say there is “No Space for Hate” in our province.

We know that 2SLGBTQ+ children and youth are at higher risk of mental health issues and suicidality due to the impacts of marginalization, discrimination, and hate, as well as intersecting impacts from racism, poverty, and other factors.

That’s why policies aimed at fostering inclusion and representation and honouring the human rights of 2SLGBTQ+ people are vitally important. For example, research has shown that for transgender youth who choose a name or pronoun different from the one given at birth, the use of their chosen name or pronoun in multiple contexts affirms their gender identity and reduces mental health risks known to be high amongst this group. A 2018 study found that transgender youth allowed to use their preferred names and pronouns reported a 34 percent decrease in suicidal thoughts and a 65 percent decrease in suicide attempts.

CMHO and its child and youth mental health centres are fully committed to supporting the mental health of 2SLGBTQ+ children and youth, 365 days a year. We stand in solidarity with the equity-deserving 2SLGBTQ+ community and will continue to do our part to advocate for an Ontario where all our children and youth can thrive.


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The post CMHO Stands in Solidarity with Gender Diverse, Trans, and Queer Children and Youth – There is No Space for Hate appeared first on Children’s Mental Health Ontario.

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