Bron and Katherine demystify the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and working effectively with people with a disability. They chat about ?? Katherine’s insights as a Behaviour Support Practitioner ?? The importance of understanding the functional behaviour of people living with disabilities ? Katherine’s advocacy work within the disability sector.
Guest: Dr Katherine Elliston, Psychologist / Representative on the Australian Disability Advisory Council (Tas), Deputy Community Chair of the Premier’s Disability Advisory Council (Tas).
Where do psychologists fit into the NDIS? Article written by Hannah Kirkwood
10 Steps to Excellent NDIS Reports
Australian Disability Advisory Council
Premier’s Disability Advisory Council
Mental Work is your companion to early-career psychology, hosted by Dr Bronwyn Milkins.
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Mental Work is sponsored by the Australian Association of Psychologists (AAPi) – Click here to learn more about AAPi and become a member.
Producer: Michael English
Music: Home
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