Evaporation of time, it’s 2019

Next moment of clarity it’s 2022

Time never said goodbye to you

Month by month

Memories by seasons

Reminiscing for various reasons

We learn from our past

But don’t be weak

Confrontations a task

Time waits for no one

It floats too freely

Rarely uses its breaks

We become too needy  

It doesn’t matter

It’s time . . .

What is Time . . .

It’s not genetic

But we were born with it

9 months in the womb

We didn’t choose that

Time knew us

Before we knew ourselves

So, in that case

Time comes before all else?

Is it an illusion of the mind?

A landmine that explodes

As we become alive

Shatters our perception into a million pieces

If time didn’t exist

Would we be whole like Jesus?

Or am I wrong and just being dramatic?

My creative mind at work

My bad

Let’s get back and clarify it.

Time is The Mechanism of Life

God created it as a guide for our lives

It provides structure and direction

Through time and light

For without it we would be even more lost

No sense of structure

What sense of cost?

The jungle would run wild

Day and night would cease

Light or dark wouldn’t matter

Call it brain freeze . . .

But it is the glue to humanity

Something that can’t be altered

It can’t be copied

Its code is impossible to retrieve

God created it

And you can’t receive

Many will come and one has already been

Why he keeps trying

I might never understand within . . .

Trust the Process – Evaporation of Time

Mind games will always exist

The chemistry of the brain

Too complex to not persist

Mental health must be treasured

Mental illness often persists

Work it out like you do your body

Once you get better

You won’t feel sorry

You realize

Time was there

And it helped you all along  

You just never trusted it

Cause you weren’t ready to go on . . .

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