Wounded Times
Kathie Costos
September 30, 2023

Writers talk about writing, or so the title says, but this video is so much more than that. They talk about their struggles in their own lives. For Anne Rice, it was a struggle with faith as a Catholic growing up, with an alcoholic mother saying it was more like a thirst in her blood than anything else. That struggle turned to writing about vampires and she was married to an atheist artist. Her life brought her back to the faith she had and she is writing more about the supernatural power of God in her life. 
All of these writers used their own struggles to feed what they created. Lucky for us, they do it brilliantly!
Enjoy a look back at “Sunday Morning” conversations with some of the most popular writers of our time, including John Blackstone’s 2006 profile of Anne Rice; Martha Teichner’s 2017 interview with Louise Penny; Anthony Mason’s 1999 visit to the home of Umberto Eco; Rita Braver’s 2006 conversation with Neil Simon; and Jane Pauley’s 2021 interview with Stephen King.

All of us struggle with faith because it is a journey. Some arrive at a point where they no longer question it. For most people, we question everything, and what we discover says more about ourselves than anyone else. I struggled with faith because I reached the point in my life when I noticed that all denominations of Christianity claim their beliefs are the only right ones. Each has its own set of rules made by man, but if you read the Bible, none of their rules were established by the One who started it, Jesus.

I walked away from religion but did not walk away from my spiritual connection to God and Jesus. I try to follow what the Holy Spirit leads me to, instead of what other humans try to drag me into. Had I listened to them I would have turned against what I knew was right for me. I’d be miserable trying to live that way. I’d be miserable trying to “fit in” with how their rules wanted “members” to conform to, especially if it was something that Jesus never said should be done.
After surviving what caused your #PTSD there is a spiritual struggle going on inside you. Let healing that part of you become as vital as healing your mind and body. When you do, you will see more complete healing that will get you through what cannot be totally healed. Part of that is being able to forgive yourself and others for what was said and done based on little or no understanding of what was happening to you. It may be easier to forgive others than it is to forgive yourself. I know I had a hard time doing that but if I managed to understand I was forgiven, it made it easier to forgive myself.
When you watched the video, did you see how they talked about faith as a part of themselves instead of something that is simply a topic? That’s because they are deeply, and spiritually connected to it. No other human influence needs to be involved in something so personal. No other human needs to be in between you and the One that Created you.
The best thing is, that there are no limits on how many times you can change your mind, explore other options, and grow what is already inside of you. Find what works for you and feeds your soul. Well, unless it’s like in Anne Rice’s vampire books.
#BreakTheSilence and #TakeBackYourLife

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