By Dr David Laing Dawson

Is this a UFO (see the end for the answer)

There was a period in my life when I regularly drove my two children along a country road in the waning hours of daylight, the time of day filmmakers call magic hour. And I would tell them stories to keep them engaged, stories made up as we drove. We called them the Fred and Elizabeth Stories, featuring two children the same ages as my two.

The starting point of each story was usually some recent news, something glimpsed, or simply an abandoned barn with a couple of horses. But this evening just before beginning the story, on a straight stretch of country road, the sun low on the horizon, a bright light appeared behind and above the trees in the distance. Thus tonight’s story formed: a space ship, a flying saucer, swooping down and gathering in Fred and Elizabeth to take them on a visit to another planet.

We were driving in the direction of this light and the light grew in intensity and rose above the tree line as we drove toward it. It was saucer shape, clearly saucer shaped, and it grew in size as we moved closer, rising across the windshield almost directly overhead.

My story continued as I watched this mysterious rising light and bright shape. And as it approached and then flew directly over the highway and my car, it became, it took the form, the exact shape and form of a flying saucer. I leaned forward over the steering wheel to look almost directly up and there it was, shining steel, circular, vented, rotating, flying, a two hundred foot disc, a UFO, undoubtedly carrying and piloted by intelligent beings from some other planet. I pointed this out to my children who were now deliciously terrified.

Once past the car, and now only visible in the side mirrors, and no longer refracting the light of the setting sun, it resolved or dissolved into a single engine plane, for a fraction of a second, and then disappeared. But it had been a flying saucer. I had seen a flying saucer.

Seeing is believing they say, and I will believe it when I see it with my own eyes. But of course the eyes are just sensory systems; it is the brain that looks for patterns and interpretations, applying a host of interpretive mechanisms to whatever light causes a retinal cell to fire. And those patterns we seek and interpretive mechanisms we apply are influenced by the stories we tell ourselves and that others tell us, by our needs, fears and desires.

I saw a flying saucer that day. That is the truth. But was there indeed an alien spacecraft hovering over the fields of Flamborough that evening?

I look forward to whistleblowers coming forward in a televised U.S. Congressional hearing to tell us the Moon Landing was fake and the world, yes the world, the earth, is actually flat.

The picture at the beginning is the moon!

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