Join us for the 2023 NAMI North Carolina Annual Conference!

This year’s conference theme is “Unified and Unbroken.”

The COVID 19 pandemic showed our country just how meaningful mental health is to its sustainability. Being forced to reimagine life in isolation divided our communities, which worsened our country’s mental health status, and highlighted our state’s need for more accessible, equitable, and inclusive mental health resources to help heal our communities from the traumas of 2020.

In this post COVID-19 era, we at NAMI NC recognize that our differences do not prohibit us from working together toward a common goal. Rather, it is when we are united under one mission of providing mental health for all that we achieve great things. Together, we remain “Unified and Unbroken” in our efforts to ensure that those living with mental illness and their families receive the support and resources they need to live happy, fulfilled lives.

Keynote Speakers: The Me2/ Orchestra

The Me2/ (“me, too”) is the world’s only classical music organization created for individuals with mental illnesses and the people who support them. During our keynote, you will learn about the people behind this powerful musical ensemble and how music provides healing and community to their members.

Visit our Annual Conference webpage for registration and event updates! Check back soon for more information, including a full agenda.

Questions? Contact Davine Laster, Director of Development and Events, at

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