Last month, I started my Song of the Month series of posts. Each month on the blog, I’m going to share a song with you. It might be a song I can’t stop listening to at the moment, or a song I have a history with. It could be a song I don’t know much about, or I’ve listened to a thousand times. Regardless of the reason, these songs have inspired me and my mental health, and I want to share them with you. Whether you’ve heard of them or not, I hope these songs give you more insight into my world and my approach to mental health. This month: “You’re Not Alone” by The Mowgli’s.

After picking a song from my favorite artist of all time last month, I decided to stick with that theme for today’s song. You might know them for their biggest hit “San Francisco,” but The Mowgli’s were one of my favorite bands during the 2010s – I saw them live twice, bought their music and listened to their albums on repeat. Apart from their music, the lyrics of the songs always spoke to me, especially when I was looking for a bright spot during my darkest moments of depression. Some of my favorites include “I’m Good,” “Through the Dark,” and “Carry Your Will,” but the one I want to talk about is especially timely during Mental Health Awareness Month.

No, this song is not necessarily a mental health anthem, but that’s what I love about music. A song can mean different things to different people, and speak a truth to them they need to hear. This song is a stark reminder that we’re not alone – not now, not ever:

You’re not alone
Even when you feel so far from home
Everybody’s here
You’re not alone
Screaming in the mirror saying

I’ve been broke
Out of love
But I know
We’re not alone, no!

Lyrics from “You’re Not Alone” by The Mowgli’s

All of us, at one time or another, feel alone. The ideas of solitude and loneliness are ones that we struggle with as humans, regardless of our mental health challenges. But there’s a big difference between being alone and feeling alone, and depression is something that can make people feel alone and isolated no matter where they are.

This song isn’t just a pick-me-up when you’re feeling down; it’s a very real reminder. When we experience mental health struggles, we can feel so alone. We can feel like no one understands us, and no one will ever get what we’re going through. Everyone experiences things in unique ways. but these feelings of hopelessness, isolation and depression are universal.

Now more than ever, we should be loud and intentional about how we speak about mental health. You are not alone, and neither am I. No matter how often we forget it (and we will forget it often), reminders are all around us. It’s in people sharing their experiences; it’s in the relationships we build with one another; and it’s even in songs from our favorite bands. As we close out this month, I hope this reminder serves you all year-round: you’re not alone.

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