We are thrilled to announce that William Zipf (Will) has begun serving as a volunteer here at Fresh Hope for Mental Health as a National Ambassador for the US! Will’s extensive experience in the energy industry is matched only by his passion for mental
health advocacy, having seen firsthand the challenges that families and individuals face when dealing with mental illness.
William Zipf (Will) is a husband of 25 years and the father of two adult children. Will has worked in the energy industry for almost 30 years in a variety of roles. His current role is as an executive focused on transitioning thermal fired power plants to operate net carbon zero in a low carbon economy.
Most importantly, for this role, however, within Will’s family, mental health issues have been lifelong challenges. Will has seen first-hand how both the public at large and the Christian community misunderstand the very reality of mental health issues. Will has watched as both friends and family, both those with diagnosis and their loved ones,
have been hurt through well-meaning but misguided Christian beliefs.
Before Will found Fresh Hope, he felt called to serve and champion this community through a ministry that helped to span the gap between receiving treatment from health professionals and living life daily with a mental illness. Will found a home at Fresh Hope.
Will is honored to fill the role of National Ambassador for Fresh Hope and looks forward to serving the community by accepting the responsibility without any authority. One of the fundamental truths that God has led Will to see is that people who struggle with mental health issues don’t need another someone trying to exercise authority in their lives, they already have too many. Will takes to heart Matt 20:26-28 “ 26 It [exercising authority] shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, 28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Will’s deep commitment to serving those struggling with mental health issues makes him a perfect fit for the role of National Ambassador. In his new position, Will will support Fresh Hope’s facilitators through the Regional Ambassadors, providing support
and guidance to those working on the front lines of mental health support. Currently there are 5 volunteers serving as Regional Ambassadors within the US: Benita Fager, Dale and Martha Rose, Jason Pine, Scott Ohnmeis and Jannifer Barebo Cox. Will’s deep understanding of the challenges faced by those dealing with mental health issues, as well as his experience working in large-scale organizations, will be invaluable as he helps to build a network of support across the country.
One of the key responsibilities of Fresh Hope Ambassadors is connecting facilitatorswith each other, providing a space for best practices to be shared and mutual support to be offered. Will is eager to take on this role, using his extensive experience in
connecting people and organizations to build a thriving community of support.
As an Ambassador, Will will also be advocating for mental health in churches and other organizations, helping to raise awareness about mental health issues and promoting the importance of support groups as a tool for recovery. In addition to serving as a voice for mental health in his community, Will, and the Regional Ambassadors will also be offering direct support to facilitators as they navigate difficult conversations and situations.
Finally, Will is committed to encouraging self-care among facilitators, recognizing the importance of maintaining one’s own mental health and well-being in order to provide support to others. By offering resources and support to facilitators, Will will be helping to build a strong and resilient network of mental health advocates across the country.
We are incredibly grateful to have Will on board as a National Ambassador for Fresh Hope for Mental Health. We know that his experience, passion, and commitment to serving those in need will be an incredible asset to our organization.
Please join us in welcoming Will and wishing him all the best as he takes on this important role!