Tuesday, February 20, 2024 NAMI-Wilmington
Public Board Meeting

Present: Alabama Stone, Chuck Eldridge, Janis Eldridge, Julie Morrow, Bob Taglin, Virginia Goldrick, Sheryl Sparks, Kimberly Light, Hannah Hopkins, Ben Holt and Kayden McCubbins. Via Zoom: Ed Palmer and Kay Sargent.


The Board meeting for the NAMI-Wilmington was called to order by Alabama Stone, Vice President at 6:00 pm. A quorum was established with seven board members present.

Old Business:

A motion was made by Kimberly Light and seconded by Julie Morrow to approve the minutes from the February 10, 2024 NAMI-Wilmington Executive Board Meeting. This motion was unanimously approved.

New Business:

Bylaws- Kimberly Light and Julie Morrow discussed the remaining revisions to be made after reviewing the existing NAMI-Wilmington Bylaws. Upon completion, NAMI member and lawyer Michael Davenport will be asked to review, and then a formal vote will be needed on the revisions.

Financial Report- Julie Morrow reported on the Statement of Financial Position as of January 31, 2024.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee- Alabama Stone discussed the marketing materials needed, and where to advertise in order to reach the targeted markets. Ben Holt suggested that inner city bus advertising might be effective. He offered to help on the committee by researching those costs. Advertising in the local libraries and health department was also discussed.

Executive Director- Chuck Eldridge reported on the support programs. Saturday, February 24, 2024 we will have 15 members being trained as program facilitators via in-person and zoom. Chuck mentioned that he has seen an increase in attendance in the different support groups. There will be an “In Your Own Voice” meeting on Monday, February 26, 2024. An “Ending the Silence” meeting will be scheduled shortly.

Awakening Project- Virginia Goldrick discussed the vision for this program, which would include various artwork, poetry and writing interests for the community. A committee has been formed, which includes Virginia, Dylan, Megan, Brandon and Lily. More details to follow after the committee meets. Clarity is needed for how NAMI-Wilmington will be a part of this initiative.

Communications- Doug Engelman and Michelle Hettmann are currently reviewing the EasySite website for the future. We also are looking for a volunteer to assist our Communication Coordinator, Kay Sargent on a part-time basis. The UNCW School of Social Work will be sponsoring an upcoming Mental Health Fair on March 16, 2024. Virginia and Kimberly volunteered to represent NAMI-Wilmington..

The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm.

The next NAMI Wilmington Public Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 6:00pm at UNCW Bear Hall, Room 206.

Recorded by,

Janis Eldridge

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