It creeps in the background and you’re never coming back

The thoughts spike in

Your mind allows them within

You lose control

Paranoia like a swirl

Is my mind being attacked?

You lose confidence

You rewind laps . . .

Analyzing your sanity

But no this can’t be!

There’s a war on your mind

It fluctuates in severity

Sometimes it stings

Most of the time you’re okay within

Never Coming Back – An Alternate Dimension?

Never coming back

Yeah, that’s how it feels

You lose touch with reality

As you fight to maintain presence in actuality

No it’s not the metaverse

We’re not there yet

But psychosis in meta? Oh forget it

Addiction runs rampant

Many lose touch with reality

They fight through the psychosis

To obtain that obsessional feeling

Their high surpasses any importance or meaning

The hijacked mind

Can it even function evenly?

If you find a way

Let us know

The community is waiting for answers

You best know.

Surfing Your Way Back to Reality

You drink 10 bottles of water

Not only that

You splash your face ten times

Dang . . . still doesn’t work

Last call for alcohol?

Maybe . . .

But even that tastes bad

Can gum save the day?

At this point you’re desperate

Anxiety mixed with psychosis

A mental cyclone, like overdoses

Whatever you do

It starts to work

You start to remember logical thoughts

And patterns of your true self

Yes, this makes sense again

I’m not psychotic!

But mind games manifest at the wrong time

You start doubting yourself

At the wrong time . . .

This is getting tiring

My mind draining

I’m running slow like an old tire

Rolling bushes are faster to retire

Time becomes your friend

Or at least you think so

But the liver is on your side

Metabolizing to heal you

You still think so . . .

It’s starting to work

Your reality becomes thicker

You realize more and more

It was just psychosis

And now no more

How thankful you are for your mind

You become more appreciative

Life and time . . .

Complain less and appreciate more

Your mind is a treasure

Through Christ, life ever more

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