This post by Patrick Hahn about The Day the Science Died reminds us that we have lived through some extraordinary times but seem inclined as perhaps people were after World War II to not dwell on things and just get on with life – for a decade or two until the memories came back. – see The Day The Science Died.
I’m not a medical doctor. I don’t even play one on TV. So why should anybody listen to me about these matters?
That’s a very good question, and here is my answer: because I have listened to people – good, kind, caring, creative people who took the drugs manufactured by Pfizer and similar corporations, in good faith, as prescribed – or whose loved ones took the drugs – and suffered devastating consequences, up to and including death. I have also listened to men who have served as expert witnesses in cases against Pfizer and similar corporations, and got to see the secret files these companies had hoped would never see the light of day.
I know what Pfizer is capable of.
That’s why it saddens me to find that Pfizer and the other drugmakers are emerging as the heroes of this pandemic, even though the vax was authorized for emergency use without even its manufacturers claiming their own data could show any reduction in mortality at all.
They did claim that the shot reduced cases, but that is not a clinically relevant endpoint, because for most people covid is no more than a cold. Moreover, this endpoint cannot be believed anyway, since they didn’t count all the cases. Those that emerged within twenty-eight days of the first dose of the Pfizer vax (or forty-two days after the first dose of the Moderna product) were not counted, although they never explained why these cases shouldn’t matter to the patient.
We also now know that the number of cases increases in at least the first few days after the shot is administered. Public Health England, the Danish Ministry of Health, the BMJ, and the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) all have stipulated this – but again, these extra cases are not counted toward the primary endpoint.
This stupid accounting trick was right there in plain sight all along, in the Pfizer and Moderna protocols – although nobody mentioned it at the time. How much of the claimed “efficacy” of these nostrums was a statistical illusion created by not counting all the cases? Without data, we don’t know.
Almost as soon as the vax was rolled out, reports began piling up of waning efficacy of these products. We would have known about this had Pfizer and the drugmakers given us the trials we were promised, but trials that were supposed to last for two full years and involve tens of thousands of participants were shut down after only a few percent made it to the six-month mark.
The waning efficacy of the covid “vaccines” prompted calls for repeated booster shots, despite the lack of data on the long-term safety and effectiveness of these shots. One study showed the efficacy of the Moderna product dropped to less than zero five months after the third dose. That study was funded by Moderna.
Another study carried out at the Cleveland Clinic showed the likelihood of re-infection increased with the number of booster shots. A “vaccine” that makes you more likely to get the index condition – that’s not really much to brag about, is it?
Faced with overwhelming evidence that the shot does not, in fact, provide long-lasting immunity, the CDC has been reduced to arguing that it prevents covid-related deaths and serious illnesses. Even if that be true, what they are describing are not “vaccines” at all, as the term has been understood to mean for well over a century. What they are describing are, at most, therapeutics, which must be administered in advance of the infection, with a limited window of efficacy and a terrible side effects profile. How can we even think about mandating the use of such products?
And once again these pronouncements cannot be believed. These figures plucked from the dashboards of public health agencies charged with enforcing vaccine mandates count deaths and serious adverse attributed to covid, rather than all deaths or all serious adverse events – as if people who die from the covid are deader than people who die of something else. Moreover, these pronouncements employ the same stupid accounting trick used in the trials – not counting all the cases – and even these numbers are not derived from randomized controlled trials, and so do not control for the healthy vaccinee effect. Remember the trials we were promised were shut down long before they had run their due course.
Speaking of side effects, even before the vax was rolled out eminently credentialed experts from prestigious institutions were warning us about the possible harms of inundating the body with the toxic spike protein. They were ignored, and data the CDC released last January (after months and months of stonewalling) showed safety signals for over seven hundred different categories of adverse events. Including myocarditis. And pericarditis. And stroke. And cancer. Not to mention death.
But the biggest signal of all was for the category known as “breakthrough infections.” There were over three hundred times as many of these than we would expect if these reports were distributed randomly amongst all vaccine products. So much for the vaunted “efficacy” of these nostrums.
A recent article in theAmerican Journal of Managed Care attributed the disturbing rise among young people of rapidly progressing cancers of several types. The article mentioned COVID-19 as a possible cause (along with rising rates of obesity and alcohol consumption, both of which increased in the wake of pandemic restrictions) but did not even consider the possibility that the shot could be causing this.
The same article quotes a distinguished expert as saying “Additionally, some persons experiencing post–COVID-19 conditions may not have tested positive for the virus or known they had it.” Apparently you don’t even need a documented history of covid infection for your ailments to be attributed to “Long Covid.”
The public at large seems either not to know or not to care about any of this, happy to accept the oft-repeated factoid that the shot “saved millions of lives,” and to receive annual booster shots for the rest of their time here on earth. They also seem not to know or care that the covid pandemic has served as a pretext for the most massive censorship campaign in United States history. Period. Full stop. Even during wartime we never saw this level of official censorship. So it might seem as if Pfizer and its minions have won.
A 7 July piece in the Telegraph featured an interview with Professor David Halperin, chief of the Behavioural Insights Team, a.k.a. the “Nudge Unit.” Now the fact that there is something known even informally as a “Nudge Unit” speaks volumes about the gutter into which our culture has descended – as if we were sheep to be nudged in this direction or that, as suits our rulers’ purposes, rather than intelligent self-governing men and women to be engaged with, using facts and data. But never mind that for now.
Professor Halpern averred that Brits now “know what the drill is” regarding masks and lockdowns: “You’ve got the beginning of what is called, particularly, a habit loop: if this has happened, then you should do that.”
He’s wrong.
None of us were prepared for the scale and scope of this assault on everything we need to live together as a community of intelligent self-governing men and women that preceded the vax rollout. But those of us who have never bought into the official version of events are reaching out to one another. Like the dissidents of the Soviet era, we are developing alternative means of obtaining and sharing information – our own underground literature. Twitter, Substack, Rumble, and GiveSendGo are happy to accept the business that Facebook, Medium, YouTube, and GoFundMe apparently didn’t want. We’ve peeked behind the curtain, and we are not going to let these things be done to us again.
They like to talk about “pandemic preparedness.” We’re prepared for the next one, I assure you.