, a B.A. in Psychology from Yale University, Certifications in to empower lawyers and other high-achieving professionals to transform their lives and work for the better. Adjunct Law Professor of the Year award at Fordham , Jordana Confino understands the unique stressors and demands of the legal profession. And as a recovering perfectionist and overachiever, she is excruciatingly familiar with the limiting beliefs that prevent people from reaching their highest potential. Jordana transformed her own life by leveraging the science of positive psychology and human motivation theory, and she has seen these techniques work time and time again in the lives of her clients and students. Nothing lights Jordana up more than helping overachievers get out of their own way so they can soar higher than they’ve ever imagined possible. Jordana is a certified professional coach, speaker, and advisor. She is valued for her expertise in positive psychology and well-being and unparalleled ability to connect with and inspire everyone she meets. Seven years after graduating from Yale Law School, she founded

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