SCOTUS affirmative action decision will further squeeze the mental health provider pipeline

MHA Admin Thu, 07/13/2023 – 12:40

July 19, 2023
by Pierluigi Mancini, Ph.D.

The Supreme Court of the United States’ (SCOTUS) decision on affirmative action has the potential to influence various aspects of society, including access to mental health providers for Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities. Individuals in these communities often face significant barriers to mental health care that have led to and compounded disparities, including socioeconomic status, language barriers, cultural stigmatization, and systemic biases. Affirmative action policies have been instrumental in promoting diversity in various professions, including mental health services. A reduction in diversity among mental health providers could reinforce disparities, as it would limit the availability of providers who understand and can address the unique needs and experiences of these communities.

Affirmative action has played a significant role in increasing the representation of BIPOC individuals in counseling, psychology, and psychiatry programs. This includes outreach and recruitment, scholarships and financial support, admissions, mentorship and support, and increasing the number of diverse staff. These policies were created to address historical disadvantages and systemic barriers underrepresented communities face. By fostering a diverse pool of mental health providers, these policies can ensure culturally competent care, better patient outcomes, and improved access for BIPOC populations.

Further, this decision may affect the overall pipeline of mental health professionals, and especially from underrepresented communities. The United States does not have nearly enough mental health professionals to treat everyone who is suffering. Already, more than 150 million people live in federally designated mental health professional shortage areas. Within a few years, experts say the country will be short between 14,280 and 31,109 psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers, and others will be overextended.

Strategies to mitigate the potential adverse effects on access to mental health providers include:

Strengthening outreach and recruitment efforts to encourage individuals from underrepresented communities to pursue counseling, psychology, and psychiatry programs.

Helping universities, especially Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Hispanic Serving Institutions to raise funds from foundations and the public and the private sector to ensure that there will be enough graduates that are culturally and linguistically prepared for the mental health field.

Expanding scholarships, grants, and mentorship programs to support BIPOC students pursuing mental health professions.

Investing in cultural and linguistically responsive training for mental health providers to ensure they can effectively address the needs of diverse populations.

Promoting diversity and inclusion within mental health organizations and institutions through the implementation of inclusive hiring practices and supportive work environments.

The SCOTUS decision on affirmative action has the potential to disrupt the progress made in meeting the need and diversifying the mental health workforce and addressing disparities. It is crucial to implement strategies that mitigate the impact of this decision and promote equal access to mental health providers for all individuals, regardless of their background or identity.

Pierluigi Mancini, Ph.D., is a Mental Health America Board member and the President of the Multicultural Development Institute, Inc.


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