We see different shades of relationships throughout, some of them are healthy and some of them are not good for our overall well-being. When we start bonding in a relationship, it is quite challenging to understand what’s exactly happening until and unless the unhealthy connection starts breaking down. Soul ties are one of them!

Some people associate twin flames with soul ties, however, both terms are different with different meanings. Soul ties are one of the highly misunderstood connections. They are not just about intimate or sexual connections but also spiritual connections that help strengthen the connection between two people.

In this blog, I am working on understanding soul ties, their signs, and how to break unhealthy soul ties. So, let’s get started!

What is Soul Tie Connection?

A soul tie connection happens when someone deeply enters your soul. Well, it’s the most misunderstood concept because soul tie is not about the connection you feel after building sexual connections with someone.

A soul tie connection presents a bigger perspective… A soul tie is also about connecting emotionally or spiritually with people such as friends, co-workers, romantic partners, family members, and pets. Soul ties are resilient and long-lasting bonds. However, not all soul ties are positive; they can also be destructive or unhealthy. Therefore, it is really important to understand the formation, types, and signs to keep healthy connections maintained and break unhealthy connections.

1. Formation of Soul Ties

When two people start connecting mindfully, spiritually, and physically, a soul tie is formed. They often share commitments, promises, or vows that enhance or strengthen the bond between two people. In order to form a soul tie, it is important to connect with someone emotionally.

2. Different Types of Soul Ties

Per psychology, soul ties can be emotional, spiritual, social, and physical.

Physical Soul Ties: Formed during intercourse

Emotional or Protective Soul Ties: Formed when two people share common feelings (can be romantic or platonic relationships)

Spiritual Soul Ties: Formed when two people connect on a higher level or experience a spiritual connection

Social Soul Ties: Formed between co-workers, friends, or family members

15 Signs of Soul Tie Connection

To identify your soul tie connection, you can refer to the below listed 15 signs of soul tie:

You are deeply connected with someone.

You both share common, mutual, or perfect timing to transition.

You are obsessed with the connection you two have formed during this time.

You seek their approval or guidance before doing anything.

They get the best out of you.

You seek their guidance as a benchmark.

You do not consider your life without them.

You freak out when you get negative feelings about them.

They feel like a safe space, home, or familiar to you.

You both share a unique connection.

You believe that you both complete or complement each other.

You have started losing your real self in the relationship.

You dislike going against them.

You fantasize about their thoughts.

Even when you’re not together, you keep on thinking about them.

Understanding Healthy and Unhealthy Soul Tie Connections

To identify if your soul-tie connection with an individual is healthy or unhealthy, refer to:

Healthy Soul-Tie

Unhealthy Soul-Tie

Couples who are not able to manage time together

Feeling anxious or stressed when they are not around or far for a long time

Living life independently with emotional support

Living life dependently and seeking constant emotional support from them

Your partner empowers you or makes you a better person

You lack decision-making or seek constant approval from your partner

You feel safe and connected even when they are having conversations with other people

You are jealous, possessive, or obsessive about them. You can’t stand someone else talking with them.

After meeting with them, you have discovered your inner self or you have polished your identity even more.

You constantly struggle to define your identity or lack personal identity after meeting them.

You feel happy, positive, and cheery when you’re around them or after interacting with them.

You feel exhausted, drained, or negative when you’re around them or after interacting with them.

You feel fulfilled or joyous most of the time.

You feel empty or co-dependent all the time.

How to Break Unhealthy Soul Tie Connections?

If you find yourself trapped in an unhealthy soul connection, you can try breaking the unhealthy ties and restoring balance in your relationship. Follow the below-mentioned steps to break unhealthy ties and restore healthy connections:

Step 1: Acknowledge the issues

Begin the process by understanding the issues. You can take a small break; identify the problems and impacts of being in an unhealthy soul-tie connection.

Step 2: Cut off the toxic ties

After understanding or acknowledging the problems, start cutting off the toxic ties, and restoring the healthy balance.

Step 3: Radiate positivity

Whatever you do, do it positively so that you can restore the same energy in your relationship again.

Step 4: Decide what’s good for you

Stop being dependent on them, instead decide by yourself. You can seek their guidance but do whatever suits you best.

Step 5: Follow self-compassion and self-forgiveness

During the process, learn self-forgiveness and self-compassion to release negative emotions such as anger, resentment, or thoughts to live life peacefully and positively.

I hope this blog helps you understand the signs of soul ties and how to break unhealthy soul tie connections. Comment down and share your views on the same. For more such content, connect with us on all social media platforms.

Thanks for reading!

The post Soul Ties: Recognizing Soul Ties And Breaking The Unhealthy Connections appeared first on Calm Sage – Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being.

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