Fran and I are immensely grateful for the opportunities we’ve had to share our story and message to a wider audience. In this post I’ve brought together a selection of articles hosted on other people’s blogs and websites. Check out our news and appearances page for more, including our books, reviews, interviews, and podcast appearances.

I’m always open to invitations so if you have a blog or project and would like me to contribute please get in touch. Likewise, we love having guest bloggers here at Gum on My Shoe. Check our contact page for submission guidelines.

Hosted by bp Magazine

5 Must-Read Rules to Help Your Friend with Anxiety & Bipolar Disorder

11 Simple Ways to Help a Loved One Living with Bipolar Disorder

How to Spot Bipolar Red Flags — and What to Do about Them

Casting the Glamour: The Enchantment of Euphoric Mania

Planning for Wellness by Using Structure to Help Manage Bipolar Symptoms

How to Support Your Friend from Afar

5 Things My Friend’s Bipolar Disorder Has Taught Me

What to Do When Your Loved One with Bipolar Is Doing Ok

Hosted by I’m NOT Disordered

10 Things My Friendship With Aimee Has Taught Me About Mental Health and Caring Support

Blogmas 2019: Marty’s Christmas WishList

Body Image Q&A for Mental Health Awareness Week

Time to Talk Day 2019 … With Guests!

Christmas Q&A With Author Martin Baker

A Year Since Publishing

24 Hours With Martin Baker

Marty’s best and worst experiences talking about mental health

Mental Health Awareness Week: Top Relationship for Fran Houston

Mental Health Awareness Week: Top Relationships for Martin Baker

24hrs With Two Best Friends Living 3,000 Miles Apart

Hosted by Julie A. Fast

High Tide, Low Tide: A Very Human Condition

High Tide, Low Tide: Our Transatlantic Best Friendship

Embracing the Journey

Hosted by Stigma Fighters

No one is too far away to be cared for or to care (also published in Stigma Fighters Anthology: Vol 2)

Dear Mum, Love Martin (also here)

Hosted Elsewhere

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Connected: Our 3,000 Mile Friendship and the Coronavirus Pandemic, hosted by Diane Atwood at Catching Health

What Mental Health Awareness Week Means to Me, hosted by DWP Digital

What Does Mental Health Awareness Week Mean to Me?, hosted by Beka Lombardo at It’s Not Your Journey

Trust, Honesty, Openness and Connection: The Right Ingredients to Have a Conversation about Mental Health, hosted by Races Around the World

What Friendship Is All About, hosted by The Counsellors Cafe

Martin’s Story, hosted by Mental Health First Aid England

Introducing High Tide, Low Tide, hosted by Andy Murray

#BeReal—Martin Baker, hosted by HASTYWORDS

17 Ways to Be an Angel, hosted by michiganfilm

10 Ways to Support a Friend With Mental Illness When You’re Apart, hosted by The Mighty (originally published by NoStigmas)

To Dad, on Account of the Life I’m Proud Of (and Wish You Were Able to See), hosted by The Good Men Project (also here)


Image by David Clode at Unsplash


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