When I was younger I was really into famous people and musicians. Then I grew up. And my views changed.

People ask me all the time: which famous man are you attracted to?

My answer: none

However, there are two people who are famous that I do look up to:

The late Tina Turner and the Dalai Lama.

Today is about Tina.

My favourite song of all time is her live YouTube version of Proud Mary (though it was a cover).

If I could aspire to anything, it is to be a strong woman that supports other women.

I might already be there, but I know I always have room to grow in this area.

If I could aspire to anything else, it would be to make sure that all women are financially independent.

The song Proud Mary has a few of my favourite quotes, one that I live by.

“Never lose sleep about the way things might have turned out.”

Read that again.

“Never lose sleep about the way things might have turned out.”

I was sick very young. It definitely changed me. And sometimes I cry about what I lost. Because I did lose a lot. Most will never truly comprehend it, and that is okay.

However, I will never lose sleep about the way things might have happened, because what transpired in my life happened for a deeper reason, and I am forever grateful for the way my life has turned out.

What I am learning now, as I have become older, that leading by example is what I plan to do going forward and I think that’s what Tina did.

I am realizing that I am not responsible anymore for anyone else.

I hope you see my strength and resilience, but I also hope you understand my struggle and my not so perfect self.

I speak my mind, I use my voice, I sometimes say and do things that aren’t always expected.

I work yet live my life every day knowing it might be my last.

I try to be the person I want to be every day but know that I have beautiful flaws.

All I ask is that you promise me a few things:

Live your life in the present moment.

Cherish the people around you and appreciate them.

And last but not least, promise me you won’t lose sleep about what might have happened.

Because I plan not to.

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