We should be talking about mental health all year round, however today is a day dedicated to raising awareness and encouraging people to open up about their mental health, their thoughts, their feelings, their current situations and so much more!

Time to Talk Day is run my both Mind Charity and Rethink Mental Illness across the UK. The day is all about creating supportive communities and talking about mental health with friends, family and co-workers! By talking, you are not just taking a step towards helping yourself, but you are also helping others.

We all have mental health; some simply just struggle to handle and maintain theirs as well as others.
We may all struggle at some point in our lives, as 1 in 4 people experience a mental health problem each year.

There are lots of things that you can do to get involved with Time to Talk Day:

Text / call a friend, family member or colleague! Ask them how they are doing, have a catch up and open up to them about how you are feeling. It is amazing how therapeutic a conversation can be, with the right person.

Host a coffee morning or another kind of event with friends and family, or even in the work place! This can be free and just for fun, or you could even use it as an opportunity to raise money for the incredible charities who run Time to Talk!

Download some of the free resources from the Time to Talk Day website here! Post them around your local area, your work place or your school/college/university!

Share mental health resources on social media – charities, helplines, encouraging words… you never know who may need it.

Remember that it is okay to talk about mental health.
There are people out there who understand exactly where you are coming from. There are people out there who may not understand, but are willing to listen if you let them. There are people who may open up to you in response. There are people who care.

You are not alone.

Have Hope Always,
Aimee & SeeTheUniverse Team

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