Today brings Baby Loss Awareness Week to a close with the global Wave of Light. Wave of Light is where we encourage people to come together and light a candle at 7pm this evening to remember all of the babies who have been lost and to support those who have experienced such a loss. This includes babies who were miscarried, stillborn and those who passed away in their early lives. No matter the circumstances of the loss, the hurt is still very much there, it is real and it is valid; even after days, weeks, months or years have passed, there will be times and there will be milestones which bring back that hurt. It is important that we stand together, support those who have experienced loss and be kind to one another.

I also wanted to highlight the use of the White Pumpkin in the baby loss community as this is something new to me.

White pumpkins have become symbolic in certain communities for raising awareness about pregnancy and infant loss. In various parts of the world, including the United States and the United Kingdom, there has been a growing movement to use white pumpkins as a symbol of remembrance for babies lost through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss.

The White Pumpkin Project, for instance, is an initiative that encourages individuals and communities to paint or decorate white pumpkins in memory of lost babies. This movement aims to provide solace and support to those who have experienced the pain and grief of losing a child. By using white pumpkins as a symbol of remembrance and hope, the initiative fosters a sense of community and understanding among individuals who have undergone similar experiences.

Through the symbolism of the white pumpkin, the initiative strives to create a safe space for conversations surrounding pregnancy and infant loss, while also spreading awareness about the emotional impact of such experiences on individuals and families. The white pumpkin serves as a tangible representation of the love, loss, and resilience that many individuals and families navigate during their journey of healing and remembrance.

So, if you see a white pumpkin this year, take a minute to think what it may symbolise. If someone you know has experienced baby / infant loss, maybe recommend the white pumpkin project to them, open up a conversation with them about their loss, be there for them and support them.
If you yourself have lost a little one, please be kind to yourself, reach out if you are struggling and remember that you are not alone in these feelings.


PregnancyAfterLossSupport – The White Pumpkin

Tommy’s – Baby Loss support and information

SANDS – Stillborn and neonatal death support

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