Winter can be a difficult time of year for many of us, therefore it is important that we indulge in some winter essentials and extra self-care.

Winter Essentials:

Cosy Layers: Embrace the style of layering your clothing, with thermal base layers, cosy sweaters, insulated jackets, scarves and a good winter coat. Not only will you look great, but you will also be warm and sheltered from the chilly winds and frosty weather.

Insulated footwear: This is one I always wish I listened too. Waterproof boots / walking shoes are perfect in this weather, sheltering you from any rain and snow. If you cannot grab yourself a pair of winter boots, maybe invest in some insulated fluffy socks at the least! There is nothing worse than cold numb feet when out and about in the winter.

Good, hydrating skincare: The cold, dry and frosty weather can really dry out your skin, so having a good skincare routine is important. A nice gentle face wash and a moisturiser along with a good chapstick should be a priority on your winter shopping lists.

Hot drinks: Whether you like to indulge in the Christmas specials at your local coffee shop, or you prefer a standard cup of tea or coffee in your own home… warm drinks are a great way to feel cosy and warm this winter.

Indoor Activities: Find things that you can enjoy whilst being inside and sheltered from the cold. This could be in your own home or at another venue. For example, reading a good book, watching movies (home or cinema), going to the gym, going out for food and much more.

Self Care

Remember that it is okay to say ‘No.’ If you are not feeling up for a certain activity or social gathering, say no and take some time for yourself instead.

Know your limits, set your boundaries. Sometimes, there are only so many festivities that we can handle and that is okay.

Meditation / Yoga: This can be done in the comfort of your own home by following YouTube tutorials or fitness apps. It can be really soothing and revitalising, even just taking 10-15 minutes a day to just breathe and let everything else fade into the background can make you feel so much better.

Stay hydrated! While enjoying hot drinks during the winter is a cosy essential, it is also important to drink enough water to stay hydrated. Water in tea or coffee does not count! In fact, the caffeine in these drinks is very dehydrating!

We still need natural light. Natural light and vitamin D is important all year round. So wrap up warm and go for a walk! It does not have to be a long, exhausting hike, a simple 15-20 minute venture outside is better than nothing at all.

Limit your screen time. This can be more difficult for some people that it is for others, but try not to sit scrolling through your phone for hours on end. Get fresh air, read a book, watch a movie (still a screen, but better than social media scrolling!), play a board game, write, do a puzzle… there are endless activities you can do to help you put the phone down for a little while.

Stay connected with friends, family and loved ones. Write them a letter, give them a call or pop by for a visit! Winter time can often feel more isolating than the other seasons, so reach out.

Ask for help if you need it – from friends and family or from mental health professionals. There is no shame in asking for help and support, people would rather you ask them, than watch you struggle in silence.

Take care of yourself – if all you did today was get out of bed and get dressed… that is okay. If you managed to leave the house for 5 minutes, that’s great! Some days are meant to be lazy do nothing days… this is perfectly fine, in fact these days can be just as important and beneficial as the busy hectic days. As long as you do not get stuck in a rut, you are doing what is best for your body and that is okay.

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