Give up gluten. Take up surfing. Eat a baked potato … Readers with experience of depression share the advice that really helped them – and what really didn’t
During a difficult period a few years ago, a nurse told me to “be kind” to myself. I had to really think about what this meant; I realised it meant doing whatever small thing might feel nice – lying in bed if I wanted to, not doing much if I felt like it, and definitely taking a break from work. I started to really tune in to that, which meant I could identify tiny feelings of “relief” – for example, the feeling of putting my cheek on a pillow – and from there I was able to build myself back up again.
Faith Liversedge, 47, Edinburgh
My friend told me to focus on the thing that you’re doing, rather than the next task. Basically, get up and shower but don’t start thinking ahead to what will happen later at work, just the next half an hour. It sounds obvious but, ultimately, it is about being present and mindful.
Jo, 39, Stockport